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Putting Patients First Welcome to Fifth Avenue Urology, the practice of Dr. Yaniv M. Larish. We are located in Manhattan, in New York City’s beautiful Upper East Side. We offer the most advanced state of the art diagnosis and treatment for all problems of the male and female urological and reproductive systems. Dr. Larish served… Continue Reading

See our Main Site at www.FifthAvenueUrology.com Blog Posts are Below: Continue Reading

A Look at the 3 Most Common Prostate Problems

The prostate is one of the male sex organs. It’s shaped like a walnut and is located under the bladder, just ahead of the rectum. It’s a key part of male functionality because it is used both during sexual procreation and urination. Sometimes problems occur with the prostate which are common for men and fairly… Continue Reading

What is Urinary Incontinence?

Urinary incontinence is a condition where a person is unable to hold urine in the bladder.  This is caused by a loss of voluntary control.  Patients lose their ability to control the urinary sphincters, causing unwanted leakage of urine.  This condition can affect both young people and the elderly, but the elderly commonly suffer the… Continue Reading

How Often Should You See a Urologist?

Have you ever wondered how often you should see a urologist?  Maybe you are getting older and you have never seen a urologist before and you feel now is the time?  Today, we are going to learn how often you should see a urologist. Below, you will learn valuable information that you can use to… Continue Reading

What is the Best Erectile Dysfunction Treatment?

Erectile dysfunction, or the inability to achieve an erection and sustain it, is a problem that men are finally starting to open up about. While erectile dysfunction can sometimes be related to lifestyle, you could be perfectly healthy before it begins to impact your lifestyle. The best way to treat erectile dysfunction can only be… Continue Reading

Premature Ejaculation Treatment

According to medical experts, premature ejaculation is a disorder that may be found in approximately 30% of all adult males. While men with premature ejaculation can be healthy, father children, engage in intercourse, and lead happy relationships, they may feel like something is always missing. First and foremost, men with premature ejaculation may not even… Continue Reading

What is Peyronie’s Disease?

Penises do not all look alike, but there are some variations in size, shape, and projection that are a bit less common than others. For example, there’s Peyronie’s disease, which causes the penis to curve at angles that make it difficult for the passing of urine as well as sexual relations. Sometimes this disorder occurs… Continue Reading

When Do You Need to Visit a Urologist?

Urologists usually treat patients who have disorders related to the urethra, which can be related to incontinence, overactive bladder, erectile dysfunction, trauma, and even infertility. Although the urethra exists in both males and females, its structure and function are different between the two genders. You’ll need to make an appointment with a urologist under the… Continue Reading

What Are the Symptoms of Kidney Cancer?

Often times, men and women struggle with kidney problems. You may be one of the many people who have had kidney stones. You may have urinary tract infections. Some people struggle with incontinence. All of these instances can lead to quality of lie concerns and, in some cases, they can cause numerous symptoms. Yet, some… Continue Reading

How Can You Prevent Urinary Tract Infections?

Urinary tract infections are nothing to overlook. They occur for a lot of reasons, but generally result from bacteria overgrowth within the urinary tract. They can happen to men and women. They can also occur in children. When they do occur, they can be painful or mild. In all situations, though, they need to be… Continue Reading

What Causes Peyronie’s Disease?

Many men develop Peyronie’s Disease, though many men do not realize that so many others have it. This condition occurs when a fibrous scar tissue develops along the inside tissues of the penis. This causes the penis to become more curved when you have an erection. It can also cause pain in this area. When… Continue Reading

Is Low testosterone the Cause of Erectile Dysfunction?

Are you struggling with erectile dysfunction and you don’t know why? You are not alone. Many men have ED and many times this is one of the symptoms of low testosterone. You may have other symptoms as well including physical and emotional changes. Testosterone is also linked to arousal, making it one of the most… Continue Reading

What Is the Link Between Erectile Dysfunction and Heart Disease?

Many men struggle with erectile dysfunction. Most of the time, when men begin to experience ED, they do not think there is anything wrong other than simply getting older or perhaps struggling with underlying conditions. But, there is a link between erectile dysfunction and heart disease. Your heart could be sending you a message through… Continue Reading

What Is Pelvic Organ Prolapse?

Have you been told you have pelvic organ prolapse? If so, you may be wondering what it means and what can be done about it. The muscles and the ligaments that support your pelvic organs can weaken for various reasons. When this happens, the organs in this location can slip out of place. This creases… Continue Reading

Urinary Incontinence in Women

Urinary incontinence in women is one of the most common complications for women having to do with the urinary system as women get older. This is not a disease specifically. Rather, it is a symptom of an underlying condition that is important for women to understand. There are many reasons women may suffer from this… Continue Reading

Peyronie’s Disease 

What is Peyronie’s disease and could it be impacting your health? This condition involves the development of scar tissue in the penis. With the presence of this scar tissue, there is also a painful, curved erection. The condition can occur in many men and happens more commonly in men over the age of 40. While the… Continue Reading

Urologist for Infertility

If you are male, it may be best to speak to an urologist for infertility problems. Men can be infertile. There are various causes of this condition. It is estimated that about 1 percent of couples struggle to conceive and this is brought on by some type of infertility problem. The most common cause of… Continue Reading

Urologist for UTI NYC

Do you need an urologist for UTI? If you have a urinary tract infection, or believe that you do, it is often best for you to seek out the help of a doctor. An urologist specializes in the treatment of all types of conditions related to the urinary tract. A UTI can be an important… Continue Reading

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) – Enlarged Prostate 

Do you suffer from an enlarged prostate also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia? Also known as BPH, this is somewhat of a common condition and one that should involve a consultation and treatment with your doctor. The prostate gland is located around the urethra. This is the tube that moves urine from your bladder out… Continue Reading

Urinary Incontinence in Men 

Urinary incontinence in men can occur for various reasons. In most cases, this is a treatable problem and one that men should feel they can speak freely about to their doctors. Urinary incontinence, often called UI for short, is the accidental leaking of urine. It can occur in both men and women and it can… Continue Reading

Varicocele Repair

Varicocele repair is sometimes needed for men who are struggling with infertility. The varicoceles are large varicose veins that form in the scrotum, making infertility a problem. According to experts, the condition is not uncommon. It is present in about 15 percent of men overall and about 40 percent of men that are known to… Continue Reading

Sphincter Incontinence

How Do You Control Bladder Flow?  Bladder control results from use of three sets of muscles. The bladder itself makes up one of these muscle sets, and the muscles of the pelvic floor support the rectum and bladder. The bladder sphincter muscles open and close the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder… Continue Reading

Who Should Get a Vasectomy?

A vasectomy is a very common procedure, which around 500,000 men in the US choose every year. It is a minor surgical procedure performed under local anesthetic, with a short recovery time and very few potential complications. Long term, a vasectomy is the most reliable form of birth control there is (excluding sexual abstinence), and… Continue Reading

AMS Penile Implant

At Dr. Melman in NYC, we successfully treat many patients with erectile dysfunction. One option for treatment, after other options have failed, is implantation of a penile prosthetic device. There are several different penile prosthetic devices available for patients who suffer from erectile dysfunction. We have experienced great results with the penile implants from American… Continue Reading

Is Erectile Dysfunction Reversible?

Erectile dysfunction is a fairly common problem for men, and one that we have plenty of options for treating. If you are concerned about erectile dysfunction, then an appointment for a consultation with a specialist is always the best first step toward regaining a fulfilling sex life. Here, we take a look at what causes… Continue Reading

What is Urethroplasty?

If you have problems relating to urethral strictures, urethroplasty is the surgical route to resolving them. If urethroplasty has been recommended to you, or you have a urethral stricture and want to know more about the surgery that could fix it, then here, we take a look at what you can expect: What Are Urethral… Continue Reading

What is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia?

The prostate is an organ that is well known for being a source of problems for men, particularly as they age. Benign prostatic hyperplasia, also known as benign prostatic hypertrophy (or BPH for short), is one of the most common prostate problems, and affects as many as 50% of men over 75, though it can… Continue Reading

What Are Urethral Strictures?

Urethral strictures are a relatively common urological problem, where the walls of the urethra have defects that can make voiding the bladder difficult and painful. If you are having problems with urinating comfortably, it is important to make an appointment and have this checked out. Urethral strictures can be treated successfully, if this is the… Continue Reading

Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a very common problem, and refers to an inability to reliably control the bladder. Incontinence is actually a symptom, rather than a condition in itself, and can have a wide range of underlying causes, or simply be the result of the aging process. It can happen in both men and women –… Continue Reading

What Is a Cystoscopy?

If you have urological symptoms, a cystoscopy is one of the diagnostic procedures that may be recommended to help identify the problem, and move forward with the best course of treatment. Here, we take a look at what a cystoscopy involves, what it is used to look for, and what to expect if you are… Continue Reading

Prevent Erectile Dysfunction

Is it possible to prevent erectile dysfunction? For many men, the thought of suffering through this condition is significant. They worry about what it may mean or what type of risk they could face. For others, they have suffered episodes of erectile dysfunction in the past and they do not want to have to go… Continue Reading

Why Consider a Vasectomy?

Why should you consider a vasectomy? If you are like many men, the thought of this procedure is worrisome. You aren’t sure if it is the right decision especially since it creates a significant life change. For many men, the decision is based on their desire to no longer have children. Though they can still… Continue Reading

About Urethroplasty 

Have you thought about urethroplasty and wondered if it was an option in your case? Some men will undergo an urethroplasty as a way to manage their urethral stricture, also known as scar. Your doctor may recommend this procedure if you are having problems with your urinary tract. It can be helpful in reducing urinary… Continue Reading

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia–Enlarged Prostate 

Do you suffer from an enlarged prostate also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia? Also known as BPH, this is somewhat of a common condition and one that should involve a consultation and treatment with your doctor. The prostate gland is located around the urethra. This is the tube that moves urine from your bladder out… Continue Reading