The Prostate Gland & Urinary Problems

What is the relationship between the prostate gland & urinary problems? The prostate gland is a walnut sized male organ. It is found at the base of the bladder and produces fluid to protect sperm. The gland sends fluid into the urethra, through seminal vesicles and the ejaculatory duct. The urethra is a thin tube that passes urine and semen from the bladder to the penis. This tube passes through the prostate gland. The prostate stores sex hormones, produced by the testicles.

The Prostate Gland & Urinary Problems

Causes of Prostate Gland & Urinary Problems

With growing age men, develops urinary problems. Inflammation of the prostate gland triggers the conditions. Men over 40 years of age experience urinary problems because of vas deferens tube blockage, resulting in male infertility.

Prostate gland enlargement is also a common cause. Another common symptom of urinary problems is difficulty in urinating. Many other urinary symptoms lead to urinary problems.

If you experience these symptoms, you should visit a urologist for rapid diagnosis and treatment. If you didn’t identify the symptoms in time, you might face severe consequences.

Symptoms of Urinary Problems

Here are some symptoms of prostate and urinary problems:

  • Frequent urination during the night
  • Urinary urgency or strong or sudden urge to urinate. Sometimes, you might even fail to reach the toilet in time.
  • Urine dribbling throughout the day
  • Lack of urine flow, making it difficult to urinate
  • Sensation in the bladder, even after you completely urinate.
  • Sensation to urinate again and again
  • A slow stream of urine

These symptoms are often frequent and cause difficulty in urinating. If you experience these symptoms, you should consult a urologist for successful treatment.

Other Urinary Symptoms

You should visit a urologist if you experience these symptoms:

  • Painful urination
  • Inability to urinate
  • Severe urinary incontinence
  • Blood while urinating
  • Unusual penile discharge

Common Urinary Problems

Here are some common urinary problems:

1.     Prostate Gland Inflammation

Bacteria can cause prostatitis or inflammation of the prostate. The underlying condition for prostate gland inflammation is still unknown. You should consult your doctor if you experience:

  • Groin pain
  • Lower back pain
  • Light fever
  • Frequent urination

When you visit a urologist for the treatment of urinary problems, they will prescribe antibiotics to eliminate the infection. If you develop chronic bacterial prostatitis, the doctor might ask you to stay in the hospital. Thus, you should immediately visit a urologist to treat prostate gland inflammation to prevent complications.

2.     Enlarged Prostate

Enlarged prostate or benign enlargement of the prostate gland is common among older men. The symptoms of this condition may be painful. But that is not always the case. Sometimes, you won’t experience symptoms.

In this condition, the prostate gland increases in size, causing urination problems. The enlarged prostate restricts urine flow and in worse cases completely blocks. To treat this condition, the urologist inserts a catheter in the bladder to release liquid waste. In rare cases, enlarged prostate causes kidney damage.

Sometimes, you might not experience urinary problems with an enlarged prostate. Various studies suggest that prostate size doesn’t cause urination problems. That said, BPH is one cause of urinary problems. There are other urinary symptoms as well such as weak bladder or bladder spasms.

The Prostate Gland & Urinary Problems

Treatment for Urinary Problems

If you develop prostate gland and urinary problems, the urologist will suggest the following treatments:

  • Antibacterial medication to eliminate bacterial prostatitis. Since urinary infection is a severe condition and difficult to remove, you have to take this medication for weeks.
  • The surgical procedure to clear blockage due to enlarged prostate. The urologist will diagnose your condition and recommend surgery according to the prostate size and urethra’s condition. Some of these procedures are:
    1. Open surgery prostatectomy
    2. Transurethral incision of the prostate
    3. Transurethral resection of the prostate
    4. Open surgery prostatectomy
    5. Laser Resection of the prostate
    6. Removal of prostate tissues
  • Medication to remove obstruction due to enlarged prostate and maintain enlarged prostate.
  • UroLift, which includes transurethral insertions of staples.
  • Many other surgical procedures reduce urinary symptoms.

Prostate Gland & Urinary Problems: Conclusion

If you experience the above symptoms, you might have urinary problems. Since the condition gets severe over time, you should immediately visit a professional urologist. A urologist will diagnose your condition and recommend an effective treatment method.

Do you want to consult a professional urologist in New York? If yes, then you should visit Fifth Avenue Urology. Our experienced and skilled urologist, Dr. Yaniv Larish, has a high level of expertise to diagnose and treat urological conditions in both men and women.

To consult with Dr. Larish, contact us today.

Dr. Yaniv Larish

4 East 76th Street
New York, NY 10021


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