Treatment Options for a Prolapsed Uterus

What are the treatment options for a prolapsed uterus? This is a condition where the uterus muscles become weaker. This is a common condition in women and it’s likelyhood increases as the woman ages. Having multiple vaginal deliveries puts women at risk of this condition. Because there are fewer muscles in a women’s uterus, it can easily become weak. When the ligaments and muscles working as a support system fail, the uterus moves from its position. Urologists refer to this condition as uterine prolapse.

Treatment Options for a Prolapsed Uterus

Causes of Prolapsed Uterus

A group of ligaments and muscles hold your uterus in the pelvis. You can refer to this group of muscles as pelvic floor muscles. When your pelvic floor muscles grow weaker, your uterus falls from the position and turns saggy. Many factors can cause uterine prolapse. Here are some of these factors:

  • Obesity
  • Chronic constipation
  • Aging
  • Injury while giving birth
  • Chronic straining or coughing

Diagnosis for Prolapsed Uterus

A urologist will diagnose your condition during a pelvic examination. The doctor will ask you to:

  • Take the bowel movement position. That way, your urologist will evaluate your uterus and check the severity of the vaginal slippage.
  • Tighten the muscles as if you are stopping the urination pressure. This will help them to check their muscle strength.

They might also ask you to fill out a questionnaire so they can better understand your condition. This questionnaire will help them understand the effects of uterine prolapsed in your quality of life. Depending on the severity of your condition, the doctor might recommend tests, so they can assess the bladder functions.

Treatment for Prolapsed Uterus

The doctor will recommend treatment according to the severity of your uterine prolapse. Here are some treatments that your doctor may suggest:

1.     Self Care Measures

If your condition does not include any symptoms, the doctor will suggest simple self care. That way they can prevent the increase in the severity and provide relief. Common self care measures include treating constipation, losing weight, and kegel exercises. These treatments will help strengthen the pelvic muscles.

2.     Pessary

The surgeon will ask you to insert a rubber or plastic ring into the vagina. This will support your tissues and keep them in position. You need to remove the pessary regularly for cleaning.

3.     Surgery

The doctor may also recommend surgery for repairing your uterine prolapse. They may suggest less invasive surgery such as laparoscopic or vaginal surgery as treatment. Here are some options for surgery:

  • You need to undergo a hysterectomy to remove your uterus. This is a safe treatment, but any surgery comes with a little or more risk of complications.
  • The surgeon will graft your tissue and repair the pelvic floor tissues. They may also use synthetic material to support the pelvic floor.

4.     Lifestyle and Home Remedies

You can also try these home remedies to treat your uterine prolapse:

  • Consume healthy food and avoid constipation
  • Increase the fluid consumption
  • Avoid heavyweights
  • Do not bear down for bowel movement
  • Control coughing
  • Reduce your weight

5.     Kegel Exercises

You can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles through kegel exercises. When your pelvic floor is strong, it will prevent prolapse and support your pelvic organs. Furthermore, it also reduces the symptoms and offers instant relief. Follow this technique to perform kegel exercises:

  • Keep your muscles tight as if you are passing gas.
  • Contract the vagina and hold it for five seconds. Now relax your muscles for five seconds. If contraction and relaxation are difficult for you, you can contract for two seconds and relax for three.
  • Now increase the duration of contractions for up to 10 seconds.
  • Your aim should be at least three sets a day with 10 repetitions.

Top Treatment Options for a Prolapsed Uterus

Kegel exercise can be hard to properly perform. Nevertheless, visit your urologist and seek their help. They can teach you effective techniques for this procedure. They might also use biofeedback to check if you are correctly tightening muscles while contracting. This device also monitors the length of each contraction and relaxation.

After you master the correct technique to perform kegel exercises, practice it every time you are free. You can even perform this exercise while at work as you sit in your chair, or on the couch while at home.

Treatment Options for a Prolapsed Uterus: Conclusion

A prolapsed uterus can be a severe condition and cause dislocation of your uterus. Therefore, you need to visit a professional urologist for proper treatment options. Our experienced urologist Dr. Larish will diagnose your condition and suggest the best treatment plan. 

Call today for a consultation.


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