Pelvic Prolapse

Pelvic prolapse is a urological condition where a pelvic organ such as the vagina may fall out of its normal position due to weakening of the muscles and skin of the vagina walls. This is a condition which you need to seek treatment from your urologist and possibly surgery or it can become worse causing the structures to fall further into the vagina or its opening.

30%-40% of women older than 40 years may develop some form of pelvic prolapse. Pelvic prolapse occurs more often after menopause or a hysterectomy.

What are the Symptoms of a Pelvic Prolapse?

 Some women never experience any symptoms when pelvic prolapse occurs, but most women will experience pelvic pressure, pain and discomfort which can affect their sexual functions and make urination and defecation painful and uncomfortable. You may experience urinary incontinence and leakage as a result of the pelvic prolapse.

Forms of Pelvic Prolapse 


Is a prolapse of the rectum. This involves a prolapse of the vaginal wall. When the vaginal wall weakens, the rectal wall will push against the vaginal wall, creating a bulge. When having a bowel movement the bulge can be seen in many cases.


Is a prolapse of the bladder. This can occur when the face wall of the vagina fails; as a result, the bladder may collapse into the vagina. When this happens, the urethra may prolapse, as well. This may cause urinary incontinence or a leakage of urine.

Prolapsed Uterus

This involves a deterioration of the ligaments at the top of the vagina; this causes the uterus to fall, which causes the weakening of the vagina.

Call Us Today!

Women often fail to seek treatment due to embarrassment, this condition is more common than not and to prevent further damage, you must call us today to schedule an appointment with the best urologist in NYC. Your quality of life depends upon this

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